Trend Analysis of Russian Information Warfare

Joel Harding

Russian Information Warfare remains in the news, especially now that we are approaching the 2018 US midterm elections. The overwhelming cacophony of fake news, disinformation, and propaganda has subtly shifted to US based websites, better disguised Tweets and Twitter accounts, and less easily recognizable fake Facebook Accounts. RT, Sputnik, and RIA Novosti are pumping out propaganda but intermixed with large amounts of InfoShum or Information Noise. The raging fire between the Democrats vs. Republicans is being stoked with comments, graphics, and articles from trolls and unsubstantiated articles from brand new websites. Russia has formed an Information Spetsnaz group headed by propagandist Dr. Igor Panarin.  Russia lacks the necessary resources to wage and win a large conventional war, meaning they will pour more and more into information warfare, political warfare and hybrid warfare.