Using Molecular Communication Systems to Activate in Vivo Bio-Nanorobic Code

Dr. Gregory Carpenter

Practitioners do not yet normalize breaking the mold of cyber warfare. Most attacks are thwarted in the same manner in which computer defense protocols were established years ago. In some cases, we fight the very systems we rely on to assist us. This presentation maps a nontraditional network attack. Enter into vivo bio-nanorobotic devices, which flood public health and medical fields at alarming speeds. These devices are in use for everything from dozens of medical procedures to implants in your favorite blue jeans. By embedding these computers in any number of the molecular communications systems in the body for (example endocrine) they can pass unobserved into a secure restricted area and only await initiation from this simple natural and normal communication activity to activate them and allow their code to execute. Data stored within synthetic DNA and actual DNA can activate and move through an adhoc in vivo bio network and undetected to a released point where their code is activated.